Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Did You Benefit From Athletics in School?

Hey everyone!

Did you benefit from athletics in school?  Could you possibly help some other students receive a similar kind of benefit?

Below are pictures of two football (soccer) teams, most of whose athletes come from families living on very fixed incomes that do not allow for some of the opportunities you and I had as secondary students:

These girls and boys represent numerous countries--Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong,, Italy, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, USA--as well as representing Kunming International Academy (KIA).  Furthermore, these athletes represent families whose financials rarely allow for many of the extra-curricular activities many of us probably took for granted when we were these students' ages.

We need to raise approximately 10,000USD in order to compete at this year's Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) Green Division football tournament in Shanghai, 19-21 April.  This leaves us very little time to raise funds.  The boys and girls have been fundraising--tutoring, selling popcorn at school events, babysitting, etc.--but still need your help to be able to compete.

If you can help in any way, please follow the instructions below.  Naturally, if you can provide all the funds that would be a really blessing, but every dollar counts, whether it is one or one-thousand.  Please consider how much you benefited from athletics during your own high school years and see if you can help these students benefit in a similar fashion through your generous donation.

1.       You can write a check, made out to NICS or OASIS, and put the KIA project number and a brief note on the memo line: for example, #002132 KIA Football Teams Donation.  Checks should be mailed to NICS/OASIS, Finance Dept., 3790 Goodman Rd. E., Southaven, MS 38672.  Donors will be mailed a tax deductible receipt.
2.        You can also go online to www.oasisis.org/donate, and do the following:
·         Choose Donate Now.
·         Choose frequency of donation.  Donors can choose “one time” or “monthly.”
·         For Designation, choose “School Projects.” 
·         A box will pop up that says “Choose Project.”  Choose KIA-Kunming, China (002132).
·         Type in the amount (one-time gift or monthly). 
·         In the Comments box, be specific about what you are giving:  for example, KIA Football Teams Donation.
·         Complete the billing information.  Donors can use either a debit/credit card or a checking  account. 
·         Complete the donation information. 
·         Complete the information and select “Preview.”  Review the donation and process.
3.       You can also call the NICS finance department, any time between 8 -5, Monday thru Friday, to make one-time donations by credit card/e-check.  The direct number is 662-892-4332.
Please!  Please consider offering these students this opportunity through your financial gift!  I will be paying my own way, but these athletes need your help.
Roland Franks
Kunming International Academy, Head Coach, Boys' and Girls' Football Squads


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